Thursday, March 31, 2016

Suicide - Ethical Issues

My Guess?

    Since Utilitarianism states that happiness is not only important for an individual, but society too and since suicide is a negative event which affects and harms not only individual, but people around the individual, suicide is not considered to be appropriate and right to commit. 
    Deontological: Suicide is morally wrong, since it breaks the moral rules
    They both prohibit it

    Suicide violates one of our most fundamental moral rules "Do not kill". Since suicide is killing and killing is wrong, suicide is wrong as well even without the reference to the consequences of it.
    Leaving the world of moral arguments that have no consideration to circumstances or consequences 

    According to utilitarianism, the "goodness" of an action is judged by its impact not only on the individual, but also upon others. Research has demonstrated that suicide has harmful emotional, interpersonal, and economic effects upon individuals and society. 
    According to the utilitarian view, it is wrong to commit a suicide if it will destroy not only that life which is a benefit to oneself , but it will cause other persons anguish, sorrow and other emotional, social and financial  disbenefits due to deprivation and loss. 
    In some rare cases, suicide of one destructive and burdensome individual will constitute a benefit to others. 

John Stuart Mill states that suicide, like slavery, doesn't bring about a greater range of freedom, therefore shouldn't be allowed 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Repressed memory

Elizabeth Loftus, psychological scientist and expert on human memory, discussed how memory is not necessarily reliable since it can be changed or implanted. (Military study, stimulation of being under stress as being capture by an enemy . She used an example of Steven Tidas, a man who was falsely accused of rape by a woman. It is interesting how the woman firstly said that he looks similar to the rapist, later in the trial completely accused Tidas of the rape. Lotus also commented on studies that she carried out where she implanted certain events, for example as a child you got attacked by an animal or started drowning and were saved by a safeguard. These events don't necessarily look as if they cause any fear or tension, but she noted that people still started to think that it actually happened to them. She also talked about a study where they showed a picture of a car that has been hit or smashed to participants. When asked what speed the car was going to when hit most of the participants identified the speed as being slower than the car was smashed. Also when asked to identify the environment around the car, participants commented on a glass around the car, when there was no smashed glass there. Also in another picture where there was a car and a stop sign, when recalling a memory they said that it was a yield sign. 
Loftus also asked if implanting false memories should be banned or discouraged. Which apparently caused a lot of hate on Elizabeth Loftus. She then said that parents should use this false memory implanting to, for example, help their obese child by telling them that as children they didn't like to eat certain food (there was a study about it where participants were told they didn't like eggs and on a picnic they didn't even eat it). 
Imagination, hipnosis - could influence what people think happened and what they recall. 
Americans - child labor 
Girl that accused her mother of assault.