My Guess?
Since Utilitarianism states that happiness is not only important for an
individual, but society too and since suicide is a negative event which affects
and harms not only individual, but people around the individual, suicide is not
considered to be appropriate and right to commit.
• Deontological: Suicide is morally wrong, since it breaks the moral rules
They both prohibit it
Suicide violates one of our most fundamental moral rules "Do not
kill". Since suicide is killing and killing is wrong, suicide is wrong as
well even without the reference to the consequences of it.
Leaving the world of moral arguments that have no consideration to
circumstances or consequences
According to utilitarianism, the "goodness" of an action is
judged by its impact not only on the individual, but also upon others. Research
has demonstrated that suicide has harmful emotional, interpersonal, and
economic effects upon individuals and society.
According to the utilitarian view, it is wrong to commit a suicide
if it will destroy not only that life which is a benefit to oneself , but it
will cause other persons anguish, sorrow and other emotional, social
and financial disbenefits due to deprivation and loss.
In some rare cases, suicide of one destructive and burdensome
individual will constitute a benefit to others.
Stuart Mill states that suicide, like slavery, doesn't bring about a greater
range of freedom, therefore shouldn't be allowed