Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Profile of You as a Knower

  1. How old are you? How might your age affect both what you know and your attitude toward gaining knowledge?

    I am 17 years old and I think that makes a big effect on what I know and on my attitude toward gaining knowledge. My knowledge is very limited compared to my parents and grandparents. I think my attitude toward gaining knowledge is not as strong either because nowadays most of the education is free and it's really easy to just apply to a school you want to go to whereas my grandparents didn't valued the knowledge and opportunity to gain it in school more than I do now.

  1. What is your mother tongue? What other languages do you speak? How might your particular language(s) affect your knowledge?

    My mother tongue is Lithuanian. I also speak English and a little bit German. The ability to speak more than one language helps me to understand and communicate with people around the world not only in one country, especially English. It also helps me understand and get to know cultures of other countries, because I can listen to different music and read books in other languages like English.

  1. What sex are you? Does your gender role affect how you see the world? Does it influence your expectations of what knowledge you should gain in your education?

    I'm a fermale and I think it does affect how I see the world. I feel like woman in general see the world in more colours than men and see the world from more emotional perspective. However, in schools education is the same for both genders and there's much more equality in the world, not like in the past so I don't think it influences my expectations of that knowledge I should gain in my education.

  1. Did you grow up in an urban area or a rural one? How might living in the countryside affect what and how you know?
    I grew up in an urban area. I think living in the countryside would help you understand more about nature and how people should treat the world because I feel like nowadays most of the people live in the cities and don't really know that they are constantly polluting the Earth by doing simple things. I also think that the countryside would also help me relax and don't feel as much stress as I do now, living in the city.

  1. Have you always had enough to eat, felt safe and been able to get an education? How do you think that having these needs met – or not met – affect your present knowledge?

    I had always had enough to eat and I felt safe and been able to get an education. I think by having that my whole life affected my present knowledge in many different ways. Because my parents provided me with all of the aspects above and because I'm able to go to an international school that offers me cultural education, I think my knowledge is continuously increasing.

  1. How would you describe your spiritual worldview? How might following a religion, or not doing so, affect your knowledge?

    My religion is Christianity and I was baptised and also took part in communion. However, now my religion doesn't affect my life now and it doesn't influence it as much. Therefore I don't think it affects my knowledge.

  1. How do cultural influences affect how you see the world? Do you identify with a particular culture?

    Culture can influence the way you see the world due to different restrictions, traditions and rules different cultures have. Culture can affect your beliefs and the way you understand the world around you. My culture is Lithuanian, because I was born in Lithuania and both of my parents are Lithuanians. However I don't think my culture influenced the way I see the world because our culture is very open and we don't really have any restrictions or rules that would affect my thinking.

  1. Are there any particular field of knowledge appeal to you strongly? Does your interest affect your current knowledge and your knowledge goals for the future?

    I'm interested in music, theatre and dance. I think it affects my knowledge about those things because I like the subjects and I want to know more about them so I read a lot about current events involving dance, music and theatre. I think it also affects my knowledge goals for the future, due to my passion for these subjects and I want to do something that involves them in the future.

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