Friday, April 29, 2016

Human Sciences

Most oTypes of Human Sciences: 

  • Anthropology 
  • Economics
  • Education 
  • Geography
  • Archeology 
  • Law
  • Linguistics 
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science 
  • Psychology Sociology 
Problems in Human Sciences: 

First of all, human sciences tend to categorise and rank people in someway it is already a problem, since everyone is different. Most of the time Humans are the subjects of studies (which are also conducted by humans) which makes the results of the studies or experiments bias. Adding on, it is difficult to examine a human being empirically, since there are emotions and thought involved, which also makes it difficult to control all variables during Human Science experiments which separates Human Sciences from Natural Sciences. Human Science experiments are also most of the time not repetitive (because humans act differently each time) , so methodical problems can't be fixed, which makes the results of these experiments less reliable. There's also no way that one's soul can be measured completely accurately out or even as well as one's talent, intelligence, poverty, social class, aggression, leadership or anxiety.

Furthermore, the procedures are theoretical, therefore a real life application is difficult to conduct and sometimes even impossible. In real life it's impossible to have something that can't be differentiated and that's why models like Marxist economist aren't the best ones to use. Adding on, most of the laboratory experiments also don't apply to real life situations, since too many variables are controlled and it wouldn't apply to real life situations. Language also causes problems in Human Sciences, since it is very much ambiguous because all humans are different as well as all the cultures and that could affect studies and experiments conducted. Also, individuals are always changing in their psychological and physical stages of life. Humans worry, get bored or excited, age and gain more experience which most likely would affect the results. 

There are also ethical problems regarding Human Science experiments. For example during a study where people were implanted with false memories which stayed with individuals forever, which caused a lot of discomfort for the participants which in utilitarian view is unethical, but in deontological view ethical, since the method used to conduct this study wasn't harmful in a way.

There is also a vast interconnection between the variables such as IQ, Social Class, Nutrition or Occupation.It's also hard to tell the difference between correlation and causation, since something that is strongly correlated doesn't necessarily explain or prove that one event cause another. 

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