Thursday, December 3, 2015

To what extent do animals have language?

Language - is a system that helps one to express thoughts and feelings by sounds and signs and form relationship with other language. Language is not always verbal, some animals communicate using sign language. It is also helps the animals to detect danger or  warn other animals of the danger. Principles for combining words into meaningful sentences. It is also a combination of different sounds and collection of words. 

I think that animals have language, because without language they couldn't express their feelings and emotions, communicate with other animals by movement and sounds, form relationships or protect themselves and their families. 

Animals can't speak because they don't have physical ability, however animals like parrots can imitate sounds that they remember.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Language and Sense Perception

How do language and sense perception connect?

It is clear that somehow language and sense perception is connected. Usually when we perceive information through our senses, when can describe it or when someone describes something we can easily imagine it. Therefore, language is usually the tool with witch the sense perception is described. In order to better understand the sense perception and convey it to others, language is needed.

Metaphors for Sense Perception

Temperature (touch):
  • He has a hot date tonight 
  • An icy stare
Touch and Texture:
  • Things are going smoothly 
  • A painful lesson in life
Light (sight)
  • Deep dark secret
  • A rainbow of flavours 
  • Bittersweet memories 
  • Ain't she sweet
  • The sweet smell of success 
  • I smell a rat 

What is the Role of Sense Perception in Science

How is sense perception used in your science class?
  • Smell
    • Smell of different chemicals; iodine, sulphur
    • Burning chemicals
  • Sight 
    • Observing a colour change; when observing the rate of the enzyme activity
  • Touching
    • Feeling different surfaces
  • Temperature
    • Feeling different temperatures; cold or hot water in the beaker 
  • Sound
    • Speed of sound in the experiment 

Perception problems: 
  • Capgras Syndrome 
    • E.g When a man says that his mom looks like his mom but isn't his mom (there's something wrong with the connection between face recognition and the amygdala) 
  • Blindsight 
    • A person can't say what he she sees, but can guess and 60% could recognise Emotional expressions 
  • Asymbolia 
    • Accurate report, quality, location, relative severity of pain 
    • No emotional connection to pain 

Response to pain is emotional and psychological
Natural and Human sciences are not as related